I picked the wrong day to stop traveling.
I just got back from a very cold San Francisco to a very hot Los Angeles. I was all bundled up while making my way through the city of my birth and now I'm in shorts and a tee-shirt sweating as the sun beats down on my face.
I attended what feels like might have been the last Macworld Expo. My job sends me yearly to attend the conferences and classes as it is invaluable to my profession. While the classes and conferences are well targeted at the OS X platform I found a different experience on the actual Expo showroom floor. They should really call this iPod/iPhone Expo as 75 percent of the product showcased was just for that. I've never seen so many cases, skins, and speaker variations in one place in my life. There was some cool stuff, don't get me wrong, but really very little that wowed me. For the first time at Macworld I purchased nothing for myself.
While Macworld is always fun professionally for me it was really my reconnecting with San Francisco and my inner self that was the crux of the trip for me. I'm going to write about this later today. I think I've had some major revelations.