Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pedro offers you his protection

I picked the wrong day to stop smoking weed...

So in my attempt to win the Step Father of the Millennium award I had a private chat with my daughter about being supportive should she ever need birth control. I think she knows this about me already but I wanted the communication lines to be clear just the same. As we ended the conversation she walked away and I asked her if there was anything she wanted to ask me. She turned to me and said, "I get it: Pedro offers you his protection."


tz said...

wandered over here..I like the whole beginning tag line I picked the wrong day to stop....

very funny

although you do have me a bit terrified about the next ten years w/ the little ones!

Alessandro Ashanti said...

Thanks TZ! As for the kids, enjoy them while they are young! And by young I mean every single day before the hormones hit.